A few words
about our felted shoes
We have hands on experience
We (Tadas and Aistė) have felted shoes and various other footwear since 2014, improving quality and durability with every step. We use only natural, cruelty free wool in the process and carefully choose our suppliers. The shoes are made using only:
- Hot water
- Traditionally made olive oil soap
- Lots of love and hard work

We work only with highest quality materials
We choose our wool and other materials very carefuly. Not only they must be high quality and durable but the source is very important as well. Woolenclogs is a sustainable, cruelty free company, we adhere to a zero waste mentality and strive to be in tune with nature every step of the way.
Meet us

Highly skilled in felting, sewing soles. Passionate about quality and work ethics.

Loves customer care. Always on the lookout for new ideas and designs.
What do we do?
We care for the quality of our shoes
From the wool that we use, to the seams on the soles, the quality of our shoes and boots is of the paramount importance to us. We test the soles in the most adverse conditions so you can be sure that they will not give out on that chilly morning walk in the deep snow.

Natural home decor
Our rugs are made from handpicked hand-shorn fleece. We can even tell you the names of each sheep that gave their fleece to make your feet warm. High quality and personal attitude gives our rugs not just durability but an accord with naure.
Our 100% wool legwamers and wristwarmers
Knitted and then felted for ultimate durability and warmth, Woolenclogs legwarmers and wristwarmers will keep your legs and arms warm in any weather. Therapeutic action of pure wool will help with inflammations and blood circulation in general.

Warmest boots ever
Woolenclogs felted boots are unique in their construction -- durable warm lower part of the boot handfelted in one piece, plus flexible windproof top part made from knit and felted 100% wool yarn allows to accommodate wider and narrower calves and does not restrict motion.

Email info@woolenclogs.com